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What is Refuse derived fuel?

2021-04-21 11:48:25

What is Refuse-derived fuel?

Refuse-derived fuel is a fuel produced from various types of waste such as municipal solid waste, industrial waste, or commercial waste(it includes biodegradable material as well as plastics).

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development defines Refuse-derived fuel as ”Selected waste and by-products with recoverable calorific value can be used as fuels in a cement kiln, replacing a portion of conventional fossil fuels, like coal, if they meet strict specifications. Sometimes they can only be used after pre-processing to provide ‘tailor-made’ fuels for the cement process” RDF has many facets, meaning it can be further specified into TDF (Tyre Derived Fuels), SRF (Solid Recovered Fuels), and AF (Alternative Fuels).

How is RDF made?

Firstly, the waste is sorted and any non-combustible materials, such as glass and metal, are removed. Metals are extracted using a magnet, while mechanical screening is used to remove the glass.

The waste items are then separated according to weight. Heavy materials are discarded as they have a lower calorific value and therefore won’t burn well. The remaining, lighter materials with high calorific value will be used for RDF. These materials are processed into plain mixtures, pellet fuel, bricks, or logs to be used as RDF.

What types of materials are processed?

RDF consists largely of combustible components of such waste, as non-recyclable plastics (not including PVC), paper, cardboard, tables, and other corrugated materials.

Where is RDF used?

The main use for RDF is in combined heat and power facilities, producing hot water and electricity for municipal heating systems. However, RDF can also be used for a range of other purposes, such as for cement kilns and plasma arc gasification modules and in pyrolysis plants.

How does the production of RDF take place?

The most common way of extracting RDF from Municipal Solid Waste is to combine Refuse derived fuel(RDF)fuel forming machine and biological treatments methods.

Why is RDF a good option?

RDF helps to divert waste away from landfills. Materials such as non-recyclable plastic, which would sit in landfill sites for hundreds of years, can instead be used in a helpful way to generate renewable heat and power.

This makes RDF a great option for companies who are seeking to be sustainable and eco-friendly. It can be used alongside various other measures to help you achieve zero waste to landfill. For example, food waste can be turned into energy via anaerobic digestion, while other natural materials such as wood can be converted into biomass.

As experts in commercial waste disposal, Jinlonghengji is able to advise companies on all aspects of waste management and offers a corresponding range of services. It’s not just waste to the energy we cover: from bulk recycling services to site clearance, we deal with many different types of waste.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your waste management needs and sustainability goals. Jinlonghengji will work with you to find the right waste solutions for your business.

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